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HTML hyperlink tags


Welcome to our web design and web development blog! In this article, we will be exploring the fascinating world of HTML hyperlink tags. Hyperlinks are an essential part of any website, allowing users to navigate between different web pages with just a click. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced web developer, understanding how to use hyperlink tags is crucial for creating effective and user-friendly websites.

What are Hyperlink Tags?

Hyperlink tags, also known as anchor tags or <a> tags, are HTML elements used to create clickable links on web pages. They allow you to connect one web page to another, or even link to specific sections within the same page. Hyperlink tags are versatile and can be used to link to other web pages, images, videos, documents, and more.

Basic Syntax

Let's take a look at the basic syntax of an HTML hyperlink tag:

<a href="URL">Link Text</a>

The href attribute specifies the destination of the link, which can be a web page URL or a file path. The link text is the visible part that users click on to navigate to the specified destination.

Creating External Links

To create a hyperlink that points to an external web page, you need to provide the complete URL in the href attribute. Here's an example:

<a href="">Visit</a>

When users click on the link, they will be directed to the specified website.

Linking to Other Pages on Your Website

If you want to link to another page within your own website, you can use either an absolute or a relative URL in the href attribute. An absolute URL includes the full web address, while a relative URL only includes the path relative to the current page.

Here's an example of linking to another page on your website using an absolute URL:

<a href="">About</a>

And here's an example using a relative URL:

<a href="/about">About</a>

Both of these examples will create a link to the "About" page on your website.

Linking to Specific Sections

HTML hyperlink tags can also be used to link to specific sections within a web page. To do this, you need to assign an id attribute to the target section and use it as the value of the href attribute.

Here's an example:

<h2 id="section1">Section 1</h2>...<a href="#section1">Go to Section 1</a>

When users click on the link, they will be automatically scrolled to the section with the corresponding id.


Congratulations! You now have a solid understanding of HTML hyperlink tags and how to use them in your web development projects. Hyperlinks are powerful tools for enhancing user experience and navigation on your website. Remember to use descriptive link text and ensure that all links are working correctly. Happy coding!